Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de sneeze

to sneezeestornudar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I sneezeyo estornudo
you sneezetú estornudas
he sneezesél estornuda
she sneezesella estornuda
we sneezenosotros estornudamos
you sneezevosotros estornudáis
they sneeze estornudan
they sneeze estornudan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I sneezedyo estornudé
you sneezedtú estornudaste
he sneezedél estornudó
she sneezedella estornudó
we sneezednosotros estornudamos
you sneezedvosotros estornudasteis
they sneezedellos estornudaron
they sneezedellas estornudaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have sneezed
you have sneezed
he has sneezed
she has sneezed
we have sneezed
you have sneezed
they have sneezed
they have sneezed

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had sneezed
you had sneezed
he had sneezed
she had sneezed
we had sneezed
you had sneezed
they had sneezed
they had sneezed

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will sneezeyo estornudaré
you will sneezetú estornudarás
he will sneezeél estornudará
she will sneezeella estornudará
we will sneezenosotros estornudaremos
you will sneezevosotros estornudaréis
they will sneezeellos estornudarán
they will sneezeellas estornudarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have sneezed
you will have sneezed
he will have sneezed
she will have sneezed
we will have sneezed
you will have sneezed
they will have sneezed
they will have sneezed

I would sneezeyo estornudaría
you would sneezetú estornudarías
he would sneezeél estornudaría
she would sneezeella estornudaría
we would sneezenosotros estornudaríamos
you would sneezevosotros estornudaríais
they would sneezeellos estornudarían
they would sneezeellas estornudarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have sneezed
you would have sneezed
he would have sneezed
she would have sneezed
we would have sneezed
you would have sneezed
they would have sneezed
they would have sneezed

Participio presenteAnotado
sneezing estornudando

Participio pasadoAnotado
sneezed estornudado

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